Given how tough last winter was, it is alarming to think that the cold temperatures are already beginning to creep into the Delaware Valley. It feels like we just got finished shoveling from the last storm in late March!
Some meteorologists are already predicting that this upcoming winter may bring Southeastern Pennsylvania another difficult season of bitter cold and high snow totals. As long as roads are not significantly choked off with ice and downed trees as they were at times last winter, Styer Propane should have no problems servicing our customers anywhere in Berks, Delaware, Montgomery and Chester Counties.
This winter, please do remember that when it snows to be sure your driveway is shoveled and that there is a clear path to a well marked propane tank so that our drivers can access your propane fill with reasonable ease. We appreciate your business and thank you in advance for your cooperation!
The Styer Propane Team
Attention Styer Propane Customers
Weil-McLain is issuing a recall for about 7900 Ultra models 80, 105, 155 and 230 MBH Ultra Series Boilers sold in the US and Canada.
The manufacturer states that the recall is due instances of cracking in the manifold cap resulting in a potential for the release of gas which could lead to fire.
To date, no fires or injuries have been reported in relation to this recall.
Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled boilers, turn off the gas supply to the boilers and contact Weil-McLain to schedule a free inspection and repair.
Weil-McLain toll-free at (888) 770-7139 from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. CT Monday through Friday or online at and click on “Product Safety Recalls” for more information.
Regardless of what type of comfort system you have in your home, make sure you have your system checked at least once per year. Many HVAC outfits will come twice per year (once for the air conditioning season and once for the heating season).
Either way, maintenance equals preparedness. Your HVAC tech will check over your entire system and may also check your tank connections. If you have any questions about HVAC maintenance operators in our area, call us anytime for a referral.
After a bear of a winter, we have all earned a nice long weekend that is upon us this Memorial Day Weekend. No doubt folks will be firing up the grill or heading out of town to enjoy some sun or fresh air with family and friends over the Memorial Day weekend.
Let us also please take a moment to keep in our thoughts those members of our armed forces who helped to secure our freedom by giving their lives in battle. The time we are afforded to spend with friends and family this holiday is truly a testament to their fighting for our freedom.
Our offices will be will be closed on Monday but we will have service available for emergencies only. We will pick back up on Tuesday the 27th at our regularly office hours.
-The Styer Propane Management Team
Despite the call for a small amount of snow this evening, we would be remiss in not recognizing that spring is finally now upon us. We would also be remiss in not commenting on the winter that was. The winter of 2013-2014 tested all of us in some way or another all throughout the Delaware Valley. It tested our patience, our vehicles and our ability to live without electricity for days on end.
At Styer Propane, the unrelenting winter weather tested our equipment as well as our staff. We would like to thank all of our drivers, office staff as well as our sales and support workers for stepping up to the challenge this winter by staying extra hours and working weekends to ensure our clients were served as quickly as road conditions would allow. We would also like to thank our clients for their patience and understanding during any number of snow and ice storms. Many times this winter, downed trees and power lines choked off our delivery routes making it impossible for us to avoid delays in getting propane to folks in short order.
As we move into spring and summer, we look forward to sharing with you some very cool news We invite you to stay tuned and we thank you all for your continued support of our business.
The Styer Propane Team
As all of you know, propane is an excellent source of fuel for heating your home or business. But, did you know that propane is also being used for vehicles and even cool features in homes?
Propane is being used in amazing looking fireplaces that are appearing in custom built houses and additions. Absolutely worth checking out. If you are not getting the most out of propane in your home, check out all of the appliances that can be run on propane such as stoves and dryers.
Looking out of our windows we can see the snow piling up and the forecast only seems to show temps in the 20s and 30s for the next week or so. Users of propane, oil and natural gas all of the same challenges during weather like this. How do you save money on energy costs while “thinking green” at the same time?
The first thing we generally bring up with our clients is system age. How old is your current system in your home? Older systems regardless of the energy source can operate with but a fraction of the energy efficiency of today’s modern systems. Consider speaking with your HVAC professional about having a new propane system installed in your home today.
Windows and doors. Yes, as with your home’s HVAC system, there are also energy inefficiencies to be found in your home’s older windows and doors. Newer models will generally have much higher energy efficiency ratings and have a greater ability to hold in heat (or keep heat out depending on the season and desired effect).
Have you considered a programmable thermostat? Some of the newer models even sync up with your cell phone or computer. You can easily manage your home’s temperature even when you are not at home. Beyond this, you can manage the temperature of your home depending on when you are present, away or sleeping. Varying the temperature of your home based on need can help with savings on energy costs in a significant way!
For more tips, check back in with Styer Propane!
What should you do if there is snow on the ground or if it is going to snow when your propane is scheduled for delivery?
At Styer Propane, we ask that you please shovel any snow away from your propane tank and place a stake to mark the location of the tank. Doing so will greatly assist our our driver in locating your tank in the snow.
We thank all of you in advance for your understanding and offering your help in these snowy situations.
We get a bunch of calls and emails asking us about propane tank installation. What’s involved? Is it difficult? We make this process very easy here at Styer Propane. We are more than happy to work with your HVAC contractor as they perform a propane conversion for your home. Whether you are moving to a home in Delaware County or you are simply in the process of converting your home’s energy source over to propane, give the folks at Styer Propane a call so we can help you arrange your propane tank installation today.
It’s that time of the year! The kids are picking out Halloween costumes. There is a chill in the air. We’re going to be rolling back the clocks one hour next weekend. And you know what that means? Yes, it is that time of the year when we all have to do our best to stay safe in the event of emergency. Next weekend, when you set your clocks back one hour, please also remember to check the batteries in your smoke detectors and frankly any other detectors in your home (radon, carbon monoxide, etc.).
We always hear the news stories about devastating fires that take he lives of folks simply because there was no functioning smoke detector in the home. We invite all of our Styer Propane customers to have a safe winter by checking smoke detectors in the fall!
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