Budget Plan
This is a twelve (12) month budget plan, and not a payment plan. All budget accounts will start in May of the current year.
The purpose of the plan is to allow customers to make regular monthly payments on their account, which should be more affordable than a full delivered amount. By starting the plan in May, there should be enough credit accumulated on the customer’s account to pay for their upcoming winter deliveries.
The month of May will be the annual “start” date for the Budget Plan. To enroll in the budget plan, the customer must have a zero ($0) balance or a credit on their account on April 30th. (If there is a credit on the account, this will be factored into determining the monthly budget amount.) We will estimate propane costs for the upcoming season and estimate your propane usage for one year based on your account history. Budget figures are calculated with the tank being full. Current budget customers continuing the budget plan from one year to the next must have their account reconciled by the end of April.
For our new budget customers, your budget amount will be estimated based on the square footage of your home until we have a history on your account.
Your monthly statement will reflect your account balance and your budget amount due. You will pay the “Budget Amount Due”. The company will periodically review the budget accounts throughout the year and make adjustments to your budget amount as needed. (Fluctuation in usage and the propane market has a direct affect on your budget amount.) Any changes to your budget amount will be noted on the monthly statement.
Payments are due by the 15th of each month. Payments not received by the 15th will be considered late and deliveries may be delayed. No discounts will be given on budget payments.
If two payments are missed, you will be automatically removed from the Budget Plan. Once you are removed from the Budget Plan for any reason, you will have to wait until the following May to be reconsidered for enrollment.
Budget payments are for gas deliveries only. All service, labor and parts are due within normal credit terms of 30 days and will be due in addition to your budget payment.
If you would like to enroll in the budget plan, please call the office during the last two weeks of April to discuss your budget amount. After you confirm that you want to be on the budget program, your next statement will show your budget amount due.
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