A Reminder to Have Your System Maintained
The calendar says August and the thermometer says 90 degrees, but believe it or not, now is the exact time of year that you want to call your HVAC company to schedule your pre season heating system check. The first rule of owning any kind of mechanical equipment is if you take care of it, it will take care of you. That rule applies to your vehicle, your lawnmower, and yes, the several connected pieces of equipment that make your heating system run effectively and safely.
Why schedule now? Well, for starters, if you are on a maintenance agreement, you are likely already paying for it, so you should certainly get what you are paying for. But, more specifically, most HVAC contractors’ schedule get these maintenance appointments completed for all customers prior to the first frost. In our area, this means they want to be on the other side of maintenance visits by the end of September. This is because as soon there is a first frost, that is about the time they get calls for malfunctioning systems (usually from folks who have not had their maintenance visits).
Remember, it nearly always costs more money to fix a problem than it does to prevent one. Take care of your heating system and it will take care of you!
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