The true meaning of Memorial Day is so much more than just a grilling holiday
As a propane company, it can be tempting to talk about this weekend as the unofficial start to the grilling and pool season. Pools are opening and grills are getting uncovered, so it is the perfect time to take that first dip or flip that first burger. We know it’s exciting! The temperatures are rising, and the grass is getting greener, but it is incomplete to talk about this weekend without mentioning the real meaning of Memorial Day.
Memorial Day is a time to reflect and honor those who have sacrificed their lives for this country. There is no greater sacrifice than to lay one’s life down for another, and it is a debt that we can never repay. The brave soldiers of this country have given us our freedoms and it is our duty to exercise and uphold them. At Styer Propane we value the hard work and strive to exercise our rights and freedoms as Americans. Everyday we live our lives the way we do because of the brave soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice. It is important to take this opportunity to remember the men and women who have given so much for this country.
Just a reminder that our offices will be closed on Monday in observance of the Memorial Day holiday and will be back open at our regular time on Tuesday, May 31st.
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