Why Choose Automatic Delivery?
If you own your own tank, you have your choice of a number of local suppliers from which to purchase propane. It’s a competitive marketplace and everyone promises the best service. What does good service mean to you? In our world, we feel that our job is to ensure there is nothing complicated about our relationships with our customers. We feel that the best relationships are those where we are able to fulfill the customer’s needs every time! And our customers only generally need one thing: Propane.
So, we have a number of ways to serve customers, believe it or not. Customers who own their own tanks can choose to call us when they need propane or they can go on an automatic delivery contract. If customers choose to stay on a Will-Call contract, that means they will call us when they need propane. This works just fine as long as customers give us time to make deliveries. For example, if we hit a cold snap like we did a few weeks ago, our phones are ringing off the hook. If a Will-Call customer were to call letting us know his tank is below 10%, we are in a very tough position. In times like that, we are doing everything we can to reach as many people as possible, and with obstacles like icy roads and driveways, our ability to reach everyone is greatly impacted. So, for Will-Call customers, we urge you to call when your tank is around 35%, regardless of the weather.
For automatic delivery customers, well, we have you covered. Our system knows how big your tank is, how large your home is and even what appliances and equipment in your home run off of propane. When we factor in the temperature in our area over time, we can accurately estimate how full your tank is. We will auto schedule your deliveries so that you are never in danger of running low on propane gas.
If you are interested in exploring your purchasing options with Styer Propane, call today and speak with one of our representatives.
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