A Smart Time to Buy a Smart Thermostat

By Styer Propane / January 29, 2019

Smart home technology is certainly everywhere you look nowadays. Many of us grew up in homes where there was one phone and one thermostat and, if you are of an older generation, you were likely permitted to touch neither. All that said, we now have smart assistants such as Google Home and the Amazon Echo in our homes that can add items to shopping lists and tell us who had the most home runs in 1968. The heating and cooling industry is keeping pace with this demand for smart stuff. And our techs are seeing more smart thermostats in homes now more than ever before. So, what’s the scoop?

Products such as the Nest smart home thermostat can run north of $200, which seems like a tough pill to swallow given that an “old school” model is about $30 off the shelf and some programmable models come in under $50. So, why are so many people investing in the new gear?

Smart thermostats can actually learn the behavior and patterns of the home and adjust heating and cooling settings accordingly. A smart thermostat may log when the home is occupied, unoccupied and reduce use based on data. With a traditional programmable model, the homeowner would program the unit, set it and forget it. It’s also been noted throughout the industry that most owners of programmable units have never programmed them to begin with (yikes!).

The bottom line is that when used to their potential, these products can save a homeowner significant money on heating and cooling bills. Some say, however, that for homeowners who have been diligent in their use of a programmable model, one may not see such a big change if you upgrade to a smart unit. If you have questions about which unit is best for your home, be sure to ask your HVAC professional today.

Merry Christmas from Styer Propane

By Styer Propane / December 19, 2018

It truly is the most wonderful time of the year! Here at Styer Propane, we are so very happy to serve your propane needs all throughout the year, but this time of year is truly our season! All through the holidays we get to hear from folks who we have not spoken with since the end of March, and it is our pleasure to reconnect with all of you through the Christmas season! This time of year offers all of us a time to take stock and certainly count our blessings. We are grateful for our wonderful customers, dedicated vendors and industry partners! We would also like to recognize our fabulous staff, without whom, a local small business such as ours could not continue to grow. To all of our drivers, techs and office staff, you are the best and we thank you so much.

To all of our friends and family throughout the area, we wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Please note that our offices will be closed on 12/25 and 1/1 in observance of Christmas Day and New Year’s Day respectively.

Marking Your Tank Fill During Winter Weather

By Styer Propane / November 19, 2018

This is the earliest in recent memory that we can remember asking our customers to mark tank fills during (or prior to) winter weather, but after last week’s unexpected 5 inches of snow, we do not want to delay any further! For those customers with underground tanks, we kindly ask you to mark your tanks with a stick, a flag or some sort of marker that our drivers can easily recognize when they visit your property for a propane delivery.

We ask that all clients understand that our drivers cannot safely deliver to driveways that are not passable. If a driveway has a significant amount of uncleared snow and ice, specifically if it is on any sort of incline, please note that our drivers will not be able to make a delivery until conditions change. Accordingly, we ask that customers expecting deliveries please clear snow from driveways and tank covers prior to a driver’s arrival. We also would appreciate it if customers would please shovel a path to the tank or tank fill so that our drivers have an opportunity to easily find and fill your propane as they make their way to all customers during times of rough weather.

We thank all of you for helping us to ensure save deliveries year after year and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

30% is the Magic Number for Will Call Customers

By Styer Propane / October 31, 2018

At Styer Propane, we know that everyone likes to manager their home and business budgets differently.

For most of our customers, we offer automatic delivery. Styer Propane has serveral comprehensive pricing and service programs that factor into accounting for the size of your tank(s), the size of your home, the number of appliances you have which run off of propane and even the outside temperature over time (degree days). Using these metrics we are able to estimate the volume of all of the tanks for all of our customers we server every day. When a customer gets to a certain estimated volume, a delivery order is created and that customer receives a deliver within a few days. It is very rare that our estimates for our automatic delivery customers are incorrect. When they are, it is often due to an unforeseen variable. For example, if a customer adds a second gas dryer in the home and did not notify Styer Propane, they may go for a while using more gas than we may have estimated otherwise.

For those customers on will-call, please remember to call us for an order when your tank is at 30%. It is the responsibility of will-call customers to notify us of a need for delivery. We ask that you place your order at the 30% mark because, especially during times of high volume, it can take us several days to get to all of our customers. If it is snowy and icy outside and we have a backlog of orders, it would not be good if you waited until your tank got to 10 or 5 percent before placing an order. Doing so could create a risk of you and your family running out of propane.

If you have any questions about your plan or our policies, please do not hesitate to call our office to speak to a Styer professional anytime.

Last Call for PreBuy!

By Styer Propane / September 27, 2018

Time is running out for our staff to enroll customers in our PreBuy Program for 2018-2019. We never get tired of showing folks more ways to save with Styer Propane! If you are unfamiliar with our PreBuy Program, you can always check out the full details here. Often fuel prices are at their lowest during this time of year because of lower demand. Styer Propane purchase a limited supply of this propane and offers it to our customers at a competitive rate. This gas is then credited to the customer’s account for delivery later in the winter season when the temps drop off.

If you have questions about PreBuy, we urge you to call our office before October to learn more about more ways to save with Styer Propane!

Annual Maintenance is a Must for HVAC Systems

By Styer Propane / August 31, 2018

Here at Styer Propane, we focus on providing our customers with the highest quality service experience as it relates to purchasing their propane, renting tanks and even installing the gas lines that run into their homes and buildings. We are not,, however, a heating and cooling contractor. In fact very few propane retailers are also in the field of HVAC (and vice versa). We made the decision long ago to specialize on fuel delivery and fuel delivery only so that we could provide ourselves the best opportunity to serve you, our customer.

With that spirit in mind, we want to make sure that we recommend to all of our customers how important it is to have your heating systems serviced and maintained regularly. For the same reason that you would take your vehicle in a couple times a year for an oil change or inspection, so should you do so as it pertains to your comfort system in your home. There are a ton of moving parts on your furnace, boiler and/or heat exchanger that all need to be in tip top shape in order for the entire system to run at peak performance levels. This give your system the best shot at helping yous save money on operating costs. Furthermore, like all things mechanical, it always costs less to maintain a system than to repair one.

So, as we move from summer into fall, be sure to call a trusted local HVAC contractor to maintain your heating system before the cold weather arrives. It will only be a few weeks before the first cool nights will be upon us. And, no one wants any surprises when they turn the thermostat to heat for the first time in six months.

Pre-Buy Announcement Coming Soon

By Styer Propane / June 29, 2018

It’s summer time at Styer Propane and as many would expect, it is not necessarily our busiest time of year. However, we are already beginning to field phone calls regarding our Pre-Buy program. Styer Propane customers can expect this year’s Pre-Buy offer to become available around the third or fourth week of July 2018.  As always, there is a limited supply allotted for this program and all propane designated for Pre-Buy is first come – first served. We thank all of you for your business and look  forward to updating all of you with details in about two to three weeks!

Summer Schedule Notices

By Styer Propane / May 25, 2018

Please make note of the following dates in which Styer Propane offices will be closed for Summer holidays:

  • May 28th – Our office will be closed in honor of the Memorial Day holiday.
  • July 4th thru 6th – Our office will be closed for the long holiday weekend in observance of Independence Day.

We hope everyone is enjoying this Spring weather and ask that customers keep these dates in mind and please plan propane needs accordingly.

Outdoor Summer Safety Starts in Sping

By Styer Propane / April 20, 2018

Despite winter taking its time getting on its merry way, Spring is indeed here and hot days and warm Summer nights are not too far off on the horizon. What a welcome thought! Here at Styer Propane, there is no question that things around here do tend to quiet down this time of year until the beginning of Fall. That said, we are still plenty busy with new installations and helping folks out who need propane through the Summer months.

Who needs propane through the Summer? Well, lots of folks as a matter of fact. Certainly homes are still running appliances like stoves and dryers on propane year round. But, there are far more fun applications that our customers have going all throughout the Summer Season. This time of year means picnics and barbecues. We have a good number of customers who have outdoor kitchens and built-in grills on their property which run propane off of a rutted line. And after you’ve had that burger (and waited 45 minutes), what’s better than a dip in the pool? Sure enough, we also have several accounts who also run pool heat off of propane. After you are dried off from the pool, why not spend some time over by the outdoor fire pit which runs off — Yup — Propane!

We enjoy Summer more than anyone, because, well, there is not much room for us to take any time off in the Winter! And though we stress safety throughout the year, we would like to remind folks that now is the time to make sure that there has been no damage to propane lines that run to outdoor usage. It’s best to have a professional run through a safety check in advance of the season so that you can ensure safe operation all Summer long! And whether you have your propane coming to your grill from an underground tank or your BBQ on a traditional grill, we urge all of our home chefs out there to be safe this Spring and Summer in the backyard!

Add 9 Volt Batteries to the Grocery List

By Styer Propane / February 26, 2018

There is never a bad time to think about safety in your home. Fire departments around the country and in our area have done a great job making a connection between Daylight Savings and the checking of smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors over the last several years. Not all models run on the trusty 9-volt battery, of course, but with Spring Forward coming up in mid March, it is a good time of year to test all alarms, and smoke or carbon monoxide detectors in the home. Furthermore, it is a good opportunity to review your family’s fire escape plan with one another and even practice a few times. Finally, you will want to make sure any fire extinguishers are in proper working order. An emergency is not the best time to find out that your fire suppression equipment is not functional.

Very soon, we will be saying goodbye to what is left of winter and it will be time to enjoy more time outside with our friends and family. Remember that fire safety is not just for inside the home. For those of you who grill, barbecue and even fry food outdoors, it is important to know that there are important safety measures which apply to outdoor cooking as well!

All of us here at Styer Propane take a safety-first mentality as it relates to our clients and want you to know that we are always here for your safety questions regarding propane energy.

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