Heating Maintenance is a Must
Saturday and Sunday marked the first weekend of Fall, and wasn’t a beauty? This week calls for highs in the 60s and overnight lows in the 40s which means that many around Chester County will be running their heating systems for the first time since early Spring. When it comes to propane heating systems, many homeowners simply assume that things should automatically function normally after a long dormant period–just at the flip of a switch. That is some pretty wishful thinking which is why we recommend that systems should be maintained annually, prior to the start of the heating season by a trained HVAC professional.
Your propane furnace relies on the proper functionality of its burner, heat exchanger and blower to ensure effective heating during the cold season. If you have radiator heat, then your boiler should be checked to ensure safe and proper functionality before the first frost. In our part of the Delaware Valley, the first frost generally shows up as early as the first week of October. That said, if your heating system has yet to receive its annual check up, now is the time to call. An efficient heating system will invariably save you money on fuel costs. What’s more a properly maintained system is less likely to break down, and we all know that repairs will nearly always cost you more out of pocket than the cost that comes with regularly scheduled annual maintenance.
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