Whether you run your home on propane (woo-hoo!), oil or natural gas, you are likely looking for ways to save money on your energy costs from month to month. This winter has been pretty easy on the pocketbook for most folks living in Southeastern PA. December, January and February have been milder than usual and have, at times, approached record warmth throughout the area. Though we sell propane for a living, we still do not think that there is any reason that folks should be wasting any energy unnecessarily.
The truth is that thermostats have come a long way in just the past ten years. Though programmable thermostats have been around even longer, there are models out now that can connect to your cell phone and to your wi-fi. When you have the ability to set schedules and review details of your usage, you have both the details and access needed to change how your home uses energy year round all with the click of a button. We recommend that all of our clients trust their comfort systems to a trained heating and cooling professional. Be sure to ask your HVAC technician about the benefits of a programmable thermostat for your home.
At Styer Propane, we do our best to accommodate all sorts of customers who have differing propane needs based on usage and budget.
For most of our customers, we offer automatic delivery. Our office has a number of comprehensive programs that factor into account the size of your tank(s), the size of your home, the number of appliances you have which run off of propane and even the outside temperature over time (degree days). Using this data and more, our program is able to estimate the volume of all of the tanks for all of our customers every day. When a customer gets to a certain estimated volume, a delivery order is created and that customer receives a deliver within a few days.
For those customers on will-call, please remember to call us for an order when your tank is at 30%. We say this because, especially during times of high volume, it can take us several days to get to all of our customers. If it is snowy and icy outside and we have a backlog of orders, it would not be good if you waited until your tank got to 10 or 5 percent before placing an order. Doing so could create a risk of you and your family running out of propane.
If you have any questions about your plan or our policies, please do not hesitate to call our office to speak to a Styer professional anytime.
Now that we have seen a little bit of snow and overnight temperatures in the teens, not only is it beginning to look a lot like Christmas, but it is beginning to feel a lot like Christmas too! Though this is our busiest time of the year by far, it is also our favorite season. It is a time for being grateful for the people in our lives who bring us joy and happiness. As we approach the end of the year, we would like to offer all of our customers wishes of a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We hope your homes are filled with the warmth of the season and holiday cheer1!
As colder temps and the promise of winter weather draws near, we ask that you help us at Styer Propane ensure timely deliveries of your propane this winter. When winter weather strikes, we would appreciate your taking the time to clear driveways and tanks free of snow. We would also appreciate your help in marking the tank location in advance of coming winter weather if you are scheduled for a delivery. Remember, if our drivers cannot access your tank, we will not be able to keep you warm when temperatures become cold.
All of us at Styer Propane thank you in advance for your cooperation!
As we move into November, most of our friends in Chester County, Berks County, Montgomery County and beyond have already had to turn on the heat a few times so far this fall. Several nights these past few weeks in October have been downright chilly! At Styer Propane, we promise to do our best to serve your propane needs all winter long, but we also recommend that you have a qualified heating and cooling technician who maintains your heating system prior to the start of Fall and Winter. Many HVAC companies have maintenance programs which offer customers a savings but you can choose a path that is best for your home and your family’s budget. The most important piece is that you are operating your system in a safe and effective manner. A trained heating and cooling specialist will check your furnace, boiler and other equipment to make sure it is operating in a safe and effective manner and may make recommendations based on equipment age and performance. Not every winter is a bear, but it will get cold enough for you to make sure that your system is running safely. If you have any questions about the safety of your system, call a qualified heating company today.
It’s finally cooling off a little around the Delaware Valley so that we can all enjoy our time outside without worrying too much about the heat. This summer has been a scorcher and, here at Styer Propane, we have lost count of the number of red hot summers that were followed up by frigid, foul winters. Whatever winter brings us in 2016-17, rest assured that the hard working drivers and office staff here at Styer will have you covered for all of your propane needs!
We would also like to take this opportunity to remind folks that our Pre-Buy offer ends September 30th (or while supplies last). Be sure to save on propane by talking to a Styer representative about this year’s savings.
Finally, we would like to mention that our office will be closed on Monday, September 5th in observance of the Labor Day holiday. For those of you squeezing that last bit of fun out of summer, we wish you a safe and happy Labor Day!
Now that summer is finally here, as many of you have come to expect, Styer Propane will will once again offer our Pre-Buy program. Remember that our Pre-Buy program is fist come – first served. Accordingly, stay tuned to this site and our facebook page for updates. We expect to be able to make our announcement regarding this year’s Pre-Buy details around the middle of July. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving your propane needs!
This weekend, what has come to be known as Memorial Day Weekend and the Unofficial Start of Summer will no doubt bring joy and good times to many across the region with backyard BBQ parties and quick trips to the Jersey Shore, Pocono Mountains as well as the Delaware and Maryland beaches. We do wish all of those folks who will enjoy that extra day off with family and friends a safe and relaxing weekend.
More importantly though, our thoughts this Monday will be with the families of fallen military service members. Our way of life in this country; our rights to live, do business and worship how we please is guaranteed by the sacrifices made by young men and women over the last two and a half centuries and those sacrifices continue across the world to this day. To those United States servicemen and women and their families and to those who continue to serve and risk each and every day, we say thank you for your service and your sacrifice.
– The Ownership and Staff at Styer Propane
If you are like we are, you fire up the grill on the first warm Saturday or Sunday in springtime. What’s better than a backyard picnic with the smell of meat cooking on the grill. If you are grilling with propane this spring and summer, we invite you to review some simple tips which will provide you with safe grilling all season long.
Checking for Leaks
After a long period of sitting idle, such as through the winter season, a grill and its propane tank and hose should be checked for leaks. You should also check for leaks each time you change out a new propane cylinder.
- Apply a light soap and water solution to the hose using a brush or spray bottle.
- Turn the propane tank on. If there is a gas leak, the propane will release bubbles around the hose.
- If there are no bubbles, your grill is safe to use.
Getting Started
- Don’t ask the propane supplier to overfill the cylinder. A 20 pound cylinder should be filled only to 80% of its capacity, leaving room for expansion.
- Always follow the manufacturer’s procedures for lighting, cleaning and maintaining your grill.
- When lighting a gas grill, always keep the lid open to prevent a flash off from gas build-up.
- Do not lean over the grill when igniting the burners or cooking.
Good Grilling
- Be present when grilling. Do not leave an active grill unattended.
- Never use a propane cylinder if it shows signs of dents, gouges, bulges, fire damage, excessive rust or other forms of visual external damage.
What a wonderful time of the year! It would appear as though winter has taken its final gasp for the 2015-16 season and spring is quickly making itself more visible with every passing day. The first few flowers have begun to pop up and early blooming trees are also showing their colors. At Styer Propane, we love the spring as it gives our team an opportunity to take a deep breath from the hectic mad dash of the winter season. With the kids on break and Easter upon us, we would like to remind everyone that we will be closed on March 25 in observance of Good Friday. We would also like to wish all of our customers a Happy Easter and a Happy Spring!
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