As a propane company, it can be tempting to talk about this weekend as the unofficial start to the grilling and pool season. Pools are opening and grills are getting uncovered, so it is the perfect time to take that first dip or flip that first burger. We know it’s exciting! The temperatures are rising, and the grass is getting greener, but it is incomplete to talk about this weekend without mentioning the real meaning of Memorial Day.
Memorial Day is a time to reflect and honor those who have sacrificed their lives for this country. There is no greater sacrifice than to lay one’s life down for another, and it is a debt that we can never repay. The brave soldiers of this country have given us our freedoms and it is our duty to exercise and uphold them. At Styer Propane we value the hard work and strive to exercise our rights and freedoms as Americans. Everyday we live our lives the way we do because of the brave soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice. It is important to take this opportunity to remember the men and women who have given so much for this country.
Just a reminder that our offices will be closed on Monday in observance of the Memorial Day holiday and will be back open at our regular time on Tuesday, May 31st.
In honor of Earth Day being in April, we thought it would be the best time to talk about how and why propane is one of the cleanest choices for alternative fuel. Propane is a certified green fuel, which makes it the best way for individuals to decrease their carbon footprint. But don’t just take our word for it! The National Energy Policy Act of 1992 and the Clean Air Act of 1990 declared propane as an approved alternative clean-burning fuel.
How is using propane better for the environment?
For starters, propane is non-toxic, nonpoisonous, and insoluble in water, so if there is a propane spill it will be released as a liquid or vapor. This is what makes it possible for propane tanks to be installed underground without concern of it being an environmental hazard. Propane is also the cleanest energy source because of its low carbon content. In comparison to charcoal grills, propane releases 105 times less carbon monoxide! Not convinced? Using propane also minimizes hydrocarbon and greenhouse gas emissions. When you chose propane, you are choosing to help our planet!
Clean burning for the environment and your home!
When using propane, it minimizes soot and scaling on your appliances. Fossil fuels like gasoline and diesel create sulfur dioxide and particles that causes buildup in your appliances. Choosing propane ultimately protects homeowners from costly maintenance on their appliances. This clean burning fuel alternative helps your appliances run better for longer!
Not sure how you can use propane?
Here is a helpful list of ways that you can incorporate propane in your life:
- Home heating
- Cooking appliances
- Dryers
- Water Heaters
- Powering Backup Generators
- Fireplaces and Outdoor Fire Pits
- Pool and Hot Tub Heating
- Outdoor Grills
- Tow Motor
- Forklifts
- Construction and Landscaping Equipment
- Patio Heaters
And this is just to name a few! Practically anything that runs on natural gas or electricity can also run on propane.
Did you know?
Propane has no natural odor, color or taste so a harmless chemical called mercaptan is added to give it that distinctive “rotten egg” smell as a way to help detect leaks!
What a wild Winter it was for all of us in the Greater Philadelphia area! There were certainly more than a handful of frigid weeks that had our crews going non-stop! Now that we are nearly to the end of March, it is safe to say that we will not have to concern ourselves with snowstorms or dangerous call for quite some time.
We hope that everyone is enjoying the weather and sunshine. As we tend to get fewer calls in the warmer weather months, we do our best to update our customers regarding any changes in the schedule. Please note the following changes to our schedule this Spring 2022:
Styer Propane Offices will be closed on April 15th in observance of Good Friday. We will also be closed on Monday, May 30th for Memorial Day.
We wish everyone a blessed Easter holiday! Customers should please plan their propane needs accordingly.
Stepping onto March’s doorstep, we can see that Springtime is just around the corner. The daffodils have begun their valiant struggle towards bloom now for the past few weeks and soon we will be welcoming longer days complete with warm afternoons.
But for now, we are still facing a few more weeks of chilly nights and an outside threat of the white stuff. With that, we would like to extend our thanks to the many customers who have done much to help keep our drivers and technicians safe this winter. Though we did not face a ton of snow and ice, We always appreciate hearing from our guys how often they encounter cleared driveways and walkways as they make their way throughout our customers’ neighborhoods soon after storms hit the area. We thank you all and pass along the gratitude of some very hard working drivers and techs.
Warm regards,
The Management & Staff at Styer Propane
It looks as though we have some significant snow in the forecast for this weekend–certainly for our customers who are a bit closer to I-95. We remind everyone that our safety is our #1 priority here at Styer Propane. We are invested in your safety as well as that of our dedicated drivers and techs. Styer Propane drivers are instructed to only deliver propane if driveways appear to be safely passable. If a driveway has a significant amount of uncleared ice or snow, specifically if it is on any sort of incline, please be aware that our drivers will not be able to make a delivery until conditions change. Accordingly, we ask that customers expecting deliveries please clear snow from driveways and tank covers prior to a driver’s arrival.
Given that the forecast calls for low temps and high winds through the better part of this weekend, please make sure your property is prepared for our drivers if you are expecting a delivery in the early part of next week.
We would appreciate it if customers would please shovel a path to the tank or tank fill so that our drivers have an opportunity to easily find and fill your propane. For those customers with underground tanks, we kindly ask you to mark your tanks with a stick, a flag or some sort of marker that our drivers can easily recognize when they visit your property for a propane delivery.
Thank you all in advance!
We hope all of our friends out there had a very Merry Christmas. In the propane business, this time of year is our time to shine. We would like to remind everyone that we will be closing at Noon this Friday for New Year’s Eve so that our drivers, techs and staff can have some extra time with family and friends here around the holidays. No one works harder to keep your home warm year round than our dedicated Styer Propane employees. We are grateful to have them on our team dedicated to providing you with excellent year round service and propane delivery.
Speaking of gratitude, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of our customers for trusting our local small business with all of your propane needs. Right now, in our industry, there are a lot of small operators being bought up by big businesses from outside of our area. At Styer Propane, we continue to make it our mission to offer prompt and dependable service at fair pricing. We are local. We hire local and we are proud to live and work in the areas we have served for nearly three decades. Thank you all for your continued support of our business.
To all of our friends out there, we wish all of you a Happy and Safe New Year!
We hope everyone out there is getting into the holiday spirit! We are so excited about Thanksgiving and hope all of you are as well. Please not that our office will be closed on Thursday, November 25th so that our hard working drivers and office staff can spend the holiday with their families.
So far this Fall, we have had a number of nights in with lows in the low 30s and even high 20s. Your home will go through more propane when temps dip and even more fuel when temperatures reach extreme cold. Accordingly, it is important that will-call customers request fuel delivery when their tanks are at 35% (or anywhere below). Don’t wait until your tank is at risk of running out of propane!
On Winter’s Doorstep
This winter we also ask that all clients understand that our drivers cannot safely deliver to driveways that are not passable. If a driveway has a significant amount of uncleared snow and ice, specifically if it is on any sort of incline, please note that our drivers will not be able to make a delivery until conditions change. Accordingly, we ask that customers expecting deliveries please clear snow from driveways and tank covers prior to a driver’s arrival. We also would appreciate it if customers would please shovel a path to the tank or tank fill so that our drivers have an opportunity to easily find and fill your propane as they make their way to all customers during times of rough weather. For those customers with underground tanks, we kindly ask you to mark your tanks with a stick, a flag or some sort of marker that our drivers can easily recognize when they visit your property for a propane delivery.
We thank all of you for helping us to ensure save deliveries year after year and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
If you want to know that Fall has definitely arrived in our area, you could look at the trees changing colors across Chester County. You could visit your local coffee shop and notice all of the pumpkin spiced offering that have crowded their way onto the menu. Or, you could stand just outside the Styer Propane offices and listen to the phones ringing briskly all day long. Yes, once that first cold snap hits like it did a few weeks ago, our phones ring all the way to Easter.
Here at Styer Propane, we want you to know that we are here for all of your propane needs during the cold season and all year round. From installation of new lines and tanks to timely fuel delivery. we have you covered with service and payment options to fit your home’s needs and budget.
Like other small businesses doing their best to overcome supply chain shortages, labor challenges and all of the curveballs that have come with COVID, we are determined to continue to deliver the same high quality service that you have come to know from Styer Propane in our decades in business serving the greater Chester County area over the last three decades. If you are pleased with the service you receive from our business, please do not hesitate to tell a friend or leave an online review. If you have any concerns, please let us know and we will always be happy to help.
Wishing your family the best this Fall and all year long!
Saturday and Sunday marked the first weekend of Fall, and wasn’t a beauty? This week calls for highs in the 60s and overnight lows in the 40s which means that many around Chester County will be running their heating systems for the first time since early Spring. When it comes to propane heating systems, many homeowners simply assume that things should automatically function normally after a long dormant period–just at the flip of a switch. That is some pretty wishful thinking which is why we recommend that systems should be maintained annually, prior to the start of the heating season by a trained HVAC professional.
Your propane furnace relies on the proper functionality of its burner, heat exchanger and blower to ensure effective heating during the cold season. If you have radiator heat, then your boiler should be checked to ensure safe and proper functionality before the first frost. In our part of the Delaware Valley, the first frost generally shows up as early as the first week of October. That said, if your heating system has yet to receive its annual check up, now is the time to call. An efficient heating system will invariably save you money on fuel costs. What’s more a properly maintained system is less likely to break down, and we all know that repairs will nearly always cost you more out of pocket than the cost that comes with regularly scheduled annual maintenance.
UPDATE – PreBuy is now CLOSED for the 2021-2022 Season.
PreBuy Season may have come a little late this year, but PreBuy is now available and the response has been through the roof with Styer customers eager to save money on their propane usage this Winter Season. As many of you know, the energy market has been up, down and up again since COVID came to our shores last year. As we always say, no one has a crystal ball on where things go next. For one, lockdowns and more people working from home lowered demand and therefore lowered prices in many segments of the energy market. However, a cold winter trumps everything. Combine that with a lot of warehouses and other logistics industry businesses adopting propane for everything from traditional heating to powering forklifts and vans, and we could certainly see prices remain high through winter.
Taking advantage of PreBuy is your choice. As always, we will continue to make every effort to pass along the best pricing (and unmatched service) to all of our customers.
Wishing you the best,
All of us at Styer Propane
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